Friday, October 28, 2011

Argument Ideas

Jackson, Lucas. "States Weigh Lowering Drinking Age." N.p., 1 Apr. 2008. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. 2008-03-20-drinkingage_N.htm.

The issue discussed in this article is whether or not the current drinking age of 21 should be lowered. Many feel that it should be 18 because in America, when you are 18 you can fight in the war, get a tattoo, and live on your own, however you can’t drink. others feel that lowering the drinking age would increase alcohol related deaths, including driving incidents. I feel that the drinking age should absolutely be lowered. It is ridiculous that you can die in combat but can’t have a beer at a bar while watching a football game. I plan to use this topic for my argument.

"Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Unions, and Domestic Partnerships." N.p., 25 Aug. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. same_sex_marriage/index.html.

The issue concerning this article is gay marriage. It states how in recent years, the gay marriage debate has been heavily focused upon. Several states have leagalized gay marriage and recently, Don’t Ask, Don”t Tell was repealed. I think that gay marriage should absolutely be legal. If two people love each other, why not? It is not fair for gay people to be told who they are allowed to love. I think that gay marriage is frowned upon by conservatives who are stuck in older times. If people were always this close-minded, we would probably still have slavery. This controversy is one that gets me very angry.

"Marijuana and Medical Marijuana." N.p., 13 Oct. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. m/marijuana/index.html.

This article debates the issue of legalizing marijuana. 15 states and D.C. have legalized medical marijuana. However many citizens believe that all types, not just medical, marijuana should be legalized. Personally, I think it should be legalized. If cigarettes, the number one cancer causers, are legal, why isn’t marijuana? The government could tax it, as they do with cigarettes, and make tons of money. Alcohol has the same kind of effects and that is legal, so marijuana should be legalized.

*note: lionsearch did not let me view the online articles, so I used articles I found on Google.

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