Thursday, October 6, 2011

Makeover Takeover

When I first created this blog in the beginning of the year, I was totally new to Blogger. I did not even know how to set up the design and layout of the page. At first I tried to set a Penn State background, but nothing seemed to work out. So I ended up using one of the preset templates. While I picked the one that most appealed to me, I am not crazy about it. I am not a pink girl at all, and I don’t particularly like birds. However I felt that this layout gave out a feminine yet sophisticated vibe. It even incorporated my favorite color, blue, in the headlines. As for the font, I think it is appropriate. Even though according to NFG, serif fonts are used for academic writings, I prefer sans serif type face. I feel that a blog is casual enough to have any font and I want my blog to reflect me and my preferences. I feel that my blog is appropriate for my English class because it is colorful and appealing without being obnoxious and over the top. I do wish that I could include more images in my blog. I feel the images spice up a page and make readers more interested in the content. However I find that with most of the blog assignments, images would not be appropriate. I hope to use more images in the future as I did with the Cady Herron cafeteria picture in the post about lunch. If I can figure out how, I would love to make my blog more reflective of my tastes.
After reevaluating my blog design, I made several changes. First I decided to change the template of my blog. I tried several but couldn’t find one that I liked. So instead I decided to change my background. At first I felt that I should upload my own image, but I couldn’t think of any that would describe me. I started going through the preloaded images and was feeling defeated. That was until I came across the ribbons background. I immediately knew this one was the right choice for my blog. I wanted a background that represented my style preferences. This ribbon background did just that. It was colorful, clean, and creative. After changing the background, I realized that the makeover was not yet complete. The text was boring and black. I decided to make it colorful. Instead of picking just one color for every post, I decided to make each post one of the colors of the ribbons in the background. A blog that inspired mine is Perez Hilton ( Another blog that I enjoy the design of is Hypable ( I feel that both sites use bright colors and bold headlines that make the blog look clean but colorful and interesting. I think both blogs use pictures very well and I love the color schemes of both. I wish that I knew how to use Blogger better and that my blog could be on the level of Perez Hilton and Hypable.

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