Monday, October 10, 2011

Bridesmaids Breakdown

I decided to review the movie Bridesmaids. This movie is just one of several comedies produced by Judd Apatow including Knocked Up, Step Brothers, and Superbad. While Bridesmaids includes the same type of humor as these other Apatow movies, there is one key difference; the movie is centered around a female character. Bridesmaids surpassed expectations at the box office, making an estimated $32,500,000. This beat Apatow’s former most successful film Knocked Up. I waited a while to see it until I could not silence the burning question; what is all the hype over?
I decided to take a trip to the movie theater to find out. After 125 minutes I am to the conclusion; I wasn’t that impressed. As much as I wanted to rave over this film like many critics and friends had, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. While yes, there were funny scenes, I couldn’t help but wish I was viewing Pineapple Express or Superbad instead. For some reason, it felt like I wasn’t watching the same movie that everybody else deemed so special. I couldn’t help but wondering; why is it just not doing it for me? I realized that this movie is a perfect thing to evaluate so that I can figure out what it is about this movie that makes it fizzle.
Bridesmaids can be put into several categories. Of course, it could be classified as a comedy. However it could be put into more specific classifications such as female comedies of Judd Apatow movies. There are hundreds of movies that it could be compared to if it was put in the category if “comedies”. If it was classified as a female comedy, Bridesmaids could be compared to movies such as Mean Girls, Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion, and Bring It On. Of course, if the movie was put into the category of Judd Apatow movies, it could be compared to his movies mentioned above.
No matter which category Bridesmaids is put in, there are certain criteria that could be used to evaluate the movie. The first would be plot. In order for any genre of movie to be good, there has to be an interesting plot. Plot is often crucial in comedies as sometimes it can be stupid and unrealistic in funny movies. The second criteria that could be used to evaluate this movie would be how funny it is. This could be evaluated by the type of humor included in the movie or how many times it made the audience laugh. Another criterion could be the casting. The evaluator could ask, “were the characters portrayed by the right actors?” Along with casting comes the actual acting, which would be another benchmark for evaluation. The actors should make the humor seem effortless and realistic, not forced. Finally, a comedy could be evaluated on impact or overall expression. The evaluator could ask; did the movie keep me talking afterwards? Do I find myself wanting to watch it again? Am I going to recommend it to my friends? Bridesmaids has many criteria could be used to make an interesting and worthwhile evaluation.

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